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Karla Fitz Coaching

"Without God, I can't. Without Me, God won't"
St. Augustine 

Hello, I am The Catholic Life Coach!

In 2021, someone asked me the following question: 

"Are you Living your Best Life?" My answer was a resounding NO! 


I was 100lbs overweight, spending very little time with my family, working a full-time job that was not fulfilling. I was living life through the motions.


Since then, I have lost 85lbs, Traveled more with our family, started a Podcast,  and have created a Business that Lights me up! All of this while Homeschooling our Children.


I created all of this by implementing Life Coaching from a Catholic Perspective. Are you ready to reach your goals and become whom God is calling you to be? 


I'll help you Reach your Goals with more Ease and Joy!

Ready to overcome your Limiting beliefs and Embrace your Emotions to Create a more Fulfilling Life?

1:1 Catholic Coaching Program

6 months of 1:1 Support


  • Weekly 1:1 Coaching Calls​
  • Unlimited Voxer Support during the Week
  • Gain Authority over your Thoughts​
  • Embrace and Process your Emotions 
  • Grow in Faith!


Stop feeling doubtful, guilty, confused, and instead start to feel more Clear, Joyful and Empowered in your life!


You will feel more free to be yourself and motivated to serve and create the Life that you dream of!



Meet Karla Fitz 

Hello there,


Looking for some loving motivation and a  strong encouragement? Then I am right girl!


To me there are 3 BIG things that we need in order to create a Fulfilling and aligned life. 


1. Manage our Thoughts and Beliefs 

2. Learn to process our Emotions 

3. Grow in Faith and Relationship with God!


If you can do these three things, you will reach your dreams and goals faster and with more ease!


 Just a few year ago, I was living my life through the motions. I was working in Job that I didn't love, Eating more than I needed to, 100 lbs overweight, ignoring my dreams, trying Not to feel & doubting myself and Jesus! 


Until I learned the power of these 3 Big steps! In only 2 years, I have lost 85lbs, quit my Full time job, started Homeschooling my children, Traveled more then I have in a long time, started a Podcast and became an Entrepreneur! 


What is your Dream? I would love to help you create it with more ease and ALOT of Joy! 




Karla, thank you so much for helping me through some extremely tough times!

Karla has a huge heart and truly wants to support you. She was very patient and also challenged me to dive deeper into myself. She goes above and beyond to help you and inspire you. I have had other life coaches, but Karla is the most empathetic and caring coach I have had! 

I would highly recomment working with her!


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